LU Online

Division of Digital Learning

Online Certificate Programs

LU Online offers comprehensive certification programs that are designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of their career of choice while also serving as formal recognition of their knowledge and expertise. The specific requirements for certification can vary depending on the field or profession, but often include a combination of education, training, and work experience.

Programs marked with a Rocket symbol signify that the program includes 5 Week Classes as part of an Accelerated Program. Most of these programs also include courses with longer durations.

Programs marked with a University symbol signify that the program can be done as a Traditional Program. These programs benefit from on-campus options for courses, allowing students to alternate between remote and in-person.

Ask your advisor for more details.

Education and Human Development


Fine Arts and Communication

How to Apply

Just like on-campus students, prospective online/distance education students must first apply for admission through the statewide Apply Texas system.

Students entering a bachelor’s degree program should also have official transcripts sent by all colleges or universities previously attended. Prospective graduate students should provide GRE scores and official transcripts from all colleges or universities previously attended.